Pflugerville FFA
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Course Descriprions

Principles of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
This course allows students to develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, personal development, globalization, industry standards, details, practices, and expectations related to a wide variety of Agricultural topics.

Wildlife, Fisheries, & Ecology Management
This course examines the management of game and non-game wildlife species, fish, and aquacrops and their ecological needs as related to current agricultural practices.

Large Animal Mangement
Animal species to be addressed in this course may include, but are not limited to, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, and equine species. 

Small Animal Mangement
Animal species to be addressed in this course of study include, but are not limited to, small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, avian, dogs, and cats.

Veterinary Medical Applications
Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, veterinary practices as they relate to both large and small animal species.

Advanced Animal Science
This course examines the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production. Instruction is designed to allow for the application of scientific and technological aspects of animal science through field and laboratory experiences. 

Principles & Elements of Floral Design
This course is designed to develop students' ability to identify and demonstrate the principles and techniques related to floral design as well as develop an understanding of the management of floral enterprises.


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